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More about Big Fish, Little Fish:

Big Fish, Little Fish

Hugh  Wheeler

As described by John McClain: "... in this case the Big Fish is a former professor of great promise whose career went to pot when a trustee's daughter committed suicide, leaving a note that compromised him. Since then he has lived in the oblivion of an insignificant research job, maintaining an apartment which has become the nesting place of an incredible assortment of friends. There is somebody's wife from Conshohocken, Pa., with whom he has had an affair for twenty years, an old-maidish gentlemen who teaches art, a dyspeptic and presumptuous ex-publisher, and a young and highly successful author...these people all love him in their divergent ways, and it is this affection upon which he feeds and upon which, conversely, they are equally dependent. So strong is this mutual bond that when he is offered a permanent job which will take him abroad the sycophants rise in fierce indignation, and it is only the persuasion of the young novelist which induces him to leave his complacent rut. The final episodes of the play bring the realization that in his fulfillment there will yet be a need for these friendships, and his dear ones are secure in knowing their contribution to his regeneration"

Play Details:
Genre(s): Comedy
Time Period(s): Not Available
Play Type: Play
Runtime: Not Available
Acts: Not Available
Set Complexity: Not Available
Set Information: Not Available
Year First Published: Not Available
Total Characters: 7
Male Characters: 5
Female Characters: 2
Androgynous Characters:Not Available
Minimum Cast: Not Available
Maximum Cast: Not Available
Cost: FEE: $40 per performance. MS
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Publisher: Dramatists Play Service
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